Университет XXI века: научное измерение

Педагогика и психология образования 11 – creative level – creative activity and high degree of effectiveness of innovation activity, a stimulus to active transformative, creative work. Improvisation, intuition, imagination. For teacher-innovator, teacher-leader, teacher-manager is characterized by a constant dissatisfaction with his work and the search for innovations. Stages of inno- vation development are divided into: stages of innovation (determining the need for changes, gathering information and analyzing the situation, developing and describ- ing the nature of innovation); the stage of development of innovation (monitoring ideas, concepts, technologies, material processing, application of innovation, evalua- tion of primary results); the stage of introduction of innovation (implementation in practice, public and written propaganda, open classes, video production, publica- tions). Also, an important way to maintain the innovation environment in the pedagogi- cal community is through psychological and pedagogical self-education, one of the indicators of which is the study of the relevant literature by university teachers. Ap- peal to the scientific and methodological literature on pedagogy and psychology gives teachers the opportunity not only be aware of pedagogical research, but also to find practical ways of introducing innovations into their own activities. The use of innovative teaching methods makes it possible to assimilate the model of new relations in society, to form them in a team. At the same time, the teacher becomes the manager of the interaction of the subjects of the pedagogical process, performs the functions of planning and organization, motivation and control of education and upbringing, in a word, he becomes a teacher-manager. The teacher-manager at the same time should act as a qualified manager, who has various methods and means of influencing the subject, and in the role of an expert analyst, able to identify his most significant signs, and as a "designer", capable of im- plementing innovative introduction to professional activities. Today, the university personifies the wisdom of knowledge, unity of research and teaching, it is always the search for answers, dynamic development and the joy of discovery... The high level of training of future teachers largely depends on the quality of teaching subjects, availability of qualified teachers, ready to introduce innovations, new technologies of teaching in the educational process of a higher educational insti- tution. How to make the activity lively, interesting and useful? How to make sure that students and teachers receive satisfaction from their interaction and communication? How to make the student as a future specialist ready to solve new professional prob- lems? One solution to the questions posed- active use of innovations: new approaches in teaching, as a new teacher's weapon. The use of innovative technology in practice at the university showed its posi- tive changes in students, which became psychologically liberated, think critically, seek answers to problematic issues, more actively participate in discussions, dia- logues, take independent, thought-out decisions, give out several options and ways to solve the problem, strive to improve their competence.