Университет XXI века: научное измерение

«Университет XXI века: научное измерение» – 2017 362 ent sport experience and physical abilities. This fact leads to variety of challenges to both sport teachers and students: 1. Sport classes require from the participants motivated attitude for active physical exercise [5]. If exercises are too easy they can demotivate those with good previous sport experience. Or if they are too difficult they will demotivate the ones with poor physical abilities. The main goal of sport classes in Universities is to improve and maintain young people’s health. In order to achieve that, the sport teacher needs to be very professional in finding the right balance when choosing exercises for each session. 2. Students with poor physical performance are usually not motivated for active ex- ercise because they feel ashamed when comparing themselves to the others in the group. To make those students believe in their abilities, the teacher has to find a personal ap- proach to each one of them which is very challenging when one has to work with a group of 20–25 people and the duration of the sport class is approximately 60 minutes. Bibliography 1. Ivanov, I. The Educational (theoretical) Component in the Process of Physical Education in Universities / I. Ivanov.– Sofia, 2006. 2. Geron, E. Motivation in Physical Activity and Sport, NSA Press / E. Geron, Y.Mutafova-Zaberska.– Sofia, 2004. 3. Mineva, M.Aerobics–a world’s students’ sport / M. Mineva.– Sofia, 2010. 4. Gigova, V. Statistics Methods in Physical Education: handbook for National Sport Academy’s master students / V. Gigova.– Sofia, 2009. 5. Rachev, K. Theory and Methodology of Physical Education / K. Rachev.– Sofia, 1998.