Университет XXI века: научное измерение 2016
Пленарное заседание 17 42. Mitchell, L. G. Panhellenism and the Barbarian in Archaic and Classical Greece / L. G. Mitchell.– Swansea: The Classical Press of Wales, 2007. 43. Nawotka, K. Alexander the Great / K. Nawotka.– Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2010. 44. Rossos, A. Macedonia and the Macedonians: a history / A. Rossos.– Stanford: Hoover Institution Press, 2008. 45. Samuel, A. E. Philip and Alexander as Kings: Macedonian Monarchy and Merovingian Parallels / A. E. Samuel // AHR.– Vol. 93.– 1988.– № 5.– P. 1270–1286. 46. Thomas, C. G. Alexander the Great in his World / C. G. Thomas.– Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2007. 47. Wilkes, J. J. The Illyrians / J. J. Wilkes.– Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 1992. 48. Zahrnt, M. Macedonia and Thrace in Thucydides // Brill's Companion to Thucydides / M. Zahrnt; Edited by A. Rengakos and A. Tsakmakis.– Leiden – Boston: Brill, 2006.– P. 589–614.
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