Тульская историческая весна - 2022

45 12. Varinlioğlu G. Early Byzantine domestic architecture in the environs of Se- leucia ad Calycadnum (Cilicia) [Eichner, Ina. Frühbyzantinische Wohnhäuser in Kilikien. Baugeschichtliche Untersuchung zu den Wohnformen in der Region um Seleukeia am Kalykadnos (Deutsch. Archäol. In-t; Istanbuler Forsch. B. 52. Tübingen: E. Wasmuth Verlag, 2011)] // Journal of Roman Archaeology. – Vol. 27. – P. 949–954. 13. Yacomi V. Pottery Production in the Urbanscape and the Over Regional Com- merce: LR1 Amphorae at Elaiussa and Beyond // Men, Goods and Ideas Travelling over the Sea. Cilicia at the Crossroad of Eastern Mediterranean Trade Network / Pro- ceedings of the 19th International Congress of Classical Archaeology; Cologne/Bonn, 22–26 May 2018; Archaeology and Economy in the Ancient World / Ed. by Martin Bentz and Michael Heinzelmann. [б.м.] : Heidelberg University Library, 2020.