Социокультурные и психологические проблемы современной семьи: актуальные вопросы сопровождения и поддержки

25 severe multiple disabilities; Training for children with severe behavioral disorders. What makes impression is that there is no toolkit that is related to the control of ag- gression and is based on art and culture. This is a challenge that we sets itself to re- solve or to lay the groundwork for future research and upgrading in this direction. The identity of the individual is multilayered and has been studied since 1968 (Ericsson, 1968), which in his work “Identity: Youth and Crisis” defines it as a pro- cess that is at the center of each individual and also at the center of his or her culture. Ericsson's theory is widespread in many countries and has been successful not only among psychoanalysts but also in the field of pedagogy. Cultural identity plays a key role in the process of building and forming life skills for realization on the basis of language, folklore - music, dance, customs, art . (Zdravkova, 2010). In the 1960s, famous linguists researchers worked on the context of the cognitive revo- lution in the field of the human mind and language - Noam Chomsky, Ronald Lanacer, Wallace Chefe, Ray Jacendoff and Derek Bickerton. They present models related to the re- lationship between language and consciousness. Chomsky's theory in Bulgaria is developed by Prof. Jordan Penchev, Prof. Iliana Krupova, Assoc. Prof. Petya Barkalova. Popular with its strong schools in the field of psychological science, back in 1979, Alexander Luria published a university textbook entitled "Language and Con- sciousness." The book presents a discussion based on a thematic circle of "language- consciousness" and "language-mind" in terms of psycholinguistics. Lev Vygotsky is one of the three most influential Russian psychologists along with Alexander Luria and Sergei Rubinstein. Vygotsky tries to create a hypothesis about the origin and na- ture of consciousness. Conducts research of the psychology of the aesthetic impact of literary works, analyzing Hamlet and small literary forms (novels, fables). Sergei Ru- binstein deals with philosophical and methodological problems of psychology. He studies perceptions, memory, speech and thinking. Creates the theory of the dual de- termination of behavior - Being and Consciousness. Working under the conditions of the ideological conjuncture in the Soviet Union, Rubinstein substantiated his theory of personality. The review of the scientific literature related to the topic of inclusive education and the use of art as a tool for training and education gives us reason to be- lieve that the topic of the project is current, original and can be developed. Inclusive arts education is a field that will continue to evolve. Research that builds on a solid international scientific basis but also represents a current scientific problem for researchers to deepen their research on. At this stage, there is a need for a solid theoretical and methodological foundation to support the teacher and to expect positive results for society. Reference 1. Tzvetkova-Arsova, M. Conference: приобщаващо образование на деца и ученици със соп – една световна политика=Inclusive education of children and students with special needs – a world policy / М. Tzvetkova-Arsova.– Bulgaria: At Sofia, 2018. 2. Бояджиева, Н. Принципът за възпитание, образование и терапия чрез из- куство в България: (Развитие и съвременно състояние) / Н. Бояджиева // Педа- гогика, 2016.– Кн. 8.– С. 1020–1035.