Социокультурные и психологические проблемы современной семьи: актуальные вопросы сопровождения и поддержки

23 or an educational experiment, but a global educational policy that has been success- fully implemented for decades. Originated in theory as "integrated learning" in Eu- rope, successfully implemented in the early twentieth century in the United States, it has developed and established itself as a useful and necessary education for children and students with SEN, and already for other different categories of students, inclu- sive education continues to improve and change. Today, it is supported by a number of international and national instruments, including the Salamanca Declaration 1994, the UN Convention of the Children RIGHTS 2006, and currently in Bulgaria the Pre- school and School Education Act (PSEA) 2015, and the Inclusive Education Ordinance of 2017”. For many years the Inclusive education has been an official global educa- tional policy for children and students with special educational needs (SEN). Subject of inclusive education are some important components, such as organization, funding, the role of special schools, opportunities for special classes, the transition to adulthood and the labor market, teacher qualifications as essential prerequisites for successful inclu- sion. Also many comparisons are made with the state of the inclusive education in oth- er countries around the world (Tzvetkova-Arsova, M., 2018). The value of inclusive education lies in the fact that it is only in the context of inclusion is possible to develop a readyness to work and live in a multicultural world, to show talents and to expand the possibilities for self-determination. Homogeneous groups comprised of one type of students, are more cohesive, easier to resolve con- flicts, and there is favorable climate for development. In the integrated classes, there is emotional tension, the likelihood of conflict, students are cruel in labeling, students are less adaptive. In this sense, the teacher is facing challenges for which he or she must be prepared. The teacher in an inclusive school must have a high level of prepa- ration and psychological and pedagogical competences. The relevance of the project is that through it the team will explore the role of art in reducing tension and building a safe environment, as well as offer tools that can be useful for educators in calming and controlling aggressive behavior through art and taking into account the cultural and historical features of Bulgarian students, parents and teachers. Psychological professional competence is analyzed under the prism of the ob- tained qualification through theoretical and practical training. They are carried out in the educational and qualification degrees: bachelor, master and doctor. But in the in- stitutional sense, formalized education would not be enough if professional supervi- sion is not carried out and skills are not constantly upgraded. The practical training of the future psychologist and educator is the first step in its professional development. During this period individual professional competence is formed, namely psychologi- cal and psychological. Contradictions between the requirements and needs of the practice and the training of the teacher are noted. The concept of "psychological competence" is refined as a component of the psychological culture and as a type of organization of knowledge, skills and abilities for solving tasks and problems, con- structive activity, adequate use of one's own and others' experience, generalized psy- chological knowledge for himself and for others , about social situations and social networks. This type of competence is not imitation or copying of others’ experience, traditions, norms, regulations and attitudes. It is a formed psychological culture (Lev- terova, D., Kazashka V., 2010).