67 media to promote new constitution so that they can convince people that the rational- ityof the newpower. From 1966 to 1976, during the turmoil decade of the Cultural Revolution in China, the research of constitutional rights almost stopped. Until December 1978, Chinese Communist Party stated, "the constitutional rights must be firmly protected, no one shall infringe." This statement pointed out the political direction for scholars who studied constitution at that time. After a long discussion, the 1982 constitution amendment was considered as a comprehensive amendment as it experience a long deliberation and a series of broad social discussion. The strict sense of constitutional right research also began at that time. “After the Constitution of 1982 passed, more and more constitution research scholars shifted their focuses from propaganda to the basic right” [0; p.97]. All scholars expanded researches around constitutional rights which had been written in constitution, government used theoretical explanation to advocate the public to pay attention to the constitutional rights and encouraged people to protect their own in- terest themselves. These research actions undoubtedly promoted the national protec- tion of private interests, and encouraged China to use legislation to protect citizen rights and interests. After Constitution amendment of 1982, Chinese government paidmore attention to freedomof speech and information. Constitutional right is the legal form of basic human rights, the research of constitutional rights and human rights have close relationship. However, “Chinese academia once criticized human right as capitalist product and denied the value of it” [0] . However, with the speeding up of economic reform of China, National Peo- ple's Congress (NPC) continually positioning economic system of China and the modernization process of china continued accelerating, contradictionwhich appeared in the house relocation process was became increasingly fierce, that attracted atten- tion of scholars focus on property right in constitution. Lots of debates and research- es resulted in the change in the 22th clause of constitution which includes property