Исследовательский потенциал молодых ученых: Взгляд в будущее: Сборник материалов XIV Региональной научно-практической конференции молодых ученых, аспирантов и магистрантов

203 propulsion of one's own theoretical activity, a reflection by the subject of phenomena, processes and peculiarities of his own self-consciousness and conduct of activity, personality, psychic life, and the inner structure of his own spiritual world "[13, 491]. Initially, it appears as a skill in considering the arguments that define the logic of action taken by children. With the development and enrichment of this skill, the ability to discover the opportunities that guarantee the success of the actions is emerging. According to E. Vassileva, "reflection has an individual rate of development, but overall its second level is typical for students of grades III and IV" [1, 71]. It has a close connection with the students' own work because the organization of their own activity implies a certain level of self-reflection so that the student can compare the results obtained with the expected ones and correct any mistakes. On the other hand, undoubtedly the use of students' independent work systematically and purposefully by the teacher would lead to the development of pupils' reflection. The analysis is carried out in two stages: the first one is empirical - the division of the whole in parts, and the second - the theoretical - the discovery of the inner kinship of externally different phenomena and the determination of the normative relations implying their alteration. To achieve the second level, targeted work is needed to activate the logical operations of thinking. This type of mental growth is used and developed in the process of students' independent work, especially in the third and fourth grades, when the tasks assigned increasingly acquire a creative character, which implies a careful analysis of the source information. The quality of this analysis is directly dependent on self-planning. "The internal plan of the activity is related to the ability of the student to smoothly go through the transition from concrete to abstract thinking and to master ways of systematizing data and facts ... It is related to the construction of the conditionally called "inner speech" of children, "the hidden verbalization" and this supports their oral and written statement" [1, 70]. The planning of the activity leads to an increase of the students' linguistic competence. From what has been said so far, the following conclusions can be drawn: • First school years are a period that is related to many changes in the development of the child who has "accomplished" a transition [1, 35]. • Thinking is oriented from concrete to abstract. • Perceptions and observations are incomplete and fragmented, but they are specific in the learning process. • Attention is influenced by the emotional state but gradually concentrated and retained on the tasks performed. • Memory is refined from concrete to verbal-logical. • Children's speech is enriched not only as a vocabulary but also qualitatively. • Psychic growths appear - reflection, analysis, planning. • Knowing the peculiarities of psychophysiological development of children at this age by the educator leads to an increase in the quality and effectiveness of pedagogical interaction.