Исследовательский потенциал молодых ученых: Взгляд в будущее: Сборник материалов XIV Региональной научно-практической конференции молодых ученых, аспирантов и магистрантов

202 And insofar as sensory images - sensations, perceptions - may not be related to speech, then rational or logical - notions, judgments, deductions - exist only on the basis of speech [5, 104]. According to C. Kyuchukov: "In close connection with thinking, the child's speech develops. This is expressed through enrichment of their vocabulary. There is a qualitative improvement in the phonetic, lexical and grammatical development of speech. A sense of language is formed in the child and they seek to speak properly "[9, 55]. As D. Todorina emphasizes, "in the third and fourth grade the speech expressiveness develops" [10, 29]. In this age, the most important feature is that not only the volume of dictionary vocabulary increases, but that its system is improved. The generalizing function of words is developed. The metaphorical and idiomatic richness of language is absorbed. More and more metaphors and phraseologies are in active use. We have to emphasize the role of the teacher, who strengthens and guides this process through his high linguistic culture as a role model and through his skillful and tactical work on error. N. Ivanova also notes that "the oral and written dialogical and monologue speech of students gradually develops and improves in the process of learning. Their vocabulary increases and clarifies "[8, 31]. Vassileva says that "the initial school period not only implies, but also requires the child to intensively develop the oral speech" [1, 63]. This is the age at which the literacy process takes place - "the most abstract activity - reading and writing" - and there is an "acute need for the child's ability to manipulate with the information he uses in a new way - not only practical in situations, but also through the mastery and application of symbols of different content "[1, 67]. A young student is required to master knowledge of the identification, differentiation, and classification of sounds and their letters, i.e. phonemic and grammatical gnosis as well as practical speech signal reproduction, i.e. articulatory praxis and writing praxis. According to G. Krayg, reading and writing are "forms of symbolic communication, implying simultaneous attention, perception, memory, associations with existing knowledge and a specific context" [11]. This highlights the importance of developing the other psychic processes for the development of speech and the use of language. There is a need to restructure the relationship of thinking - speech in two directions: • Conceptualization of language (awareness of it as an independent structure), development of a sense of correction of error and reflection to realize the effect of a particular speech. • Developing thinking as a conscious action, building its reflexive forms [12, 107]. Reflection is one of three types of mental neoplasms typical of primary school age, along with analysis and planning. They can be seen from two sides: as a component of intellectual readiness for school and as a result of learning. In the latter case, they are subject to deliberate and systemic efforts for their development, as well as continuous diagnostics as an indicator of the quality and productivity of pedagogical interactions [1, 68-69]. According to L. Desev, reflection is a complex mental entity that arises during the initial stage of schooling and is a process of self-