Исследовательский потенциал молодых ученых: Взгляд в будущее: Сборник материалов XIV Региональной научно-практической конференции молодых ученых, аспирантов и магистрантов

199 D. E. Petrova CHARACTERISTICS OF THE PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE CHILDREN IN PRIMARY SCHOOL AGE FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF THE FORMATION OF LANGUAGE COMPETENCIES THROUGH STUDENTS’ INDIVIDUAL WORK Scientific supervisor – doktor, рroffessor Habil N. S. Ivanova Sofia University «St. Kliment Ohridski» The first language training, its goals and the expected results, the learning content that should lead to the realization of these results, the methods and techniques used by the teacher to encompass this content, the entire system of native language learning are built on the basis of a person-oriented approach as a fundamental one in modern didactics. This approach puts the child at the center of the stage of pedagogical interaction. The teacher moves away from the spotlight and assumes the role of a director, a facilitator who must skillfully direct the student to go his own way to knowledge and to the interaction with other students. In order to fulfill this role, the pedagogue should know his pupils well, as well as the characteristics of the development of the psychic processes in the children of primary school age. E. Vassileva stressed that "the young pupil needs a systematization of his own experience, adequate to his individual personality. He learns and is convinced in only those laws and relationships that are experienced, felt, and discovered by himself "[1, 22]. This shows the extraordinary importance of the independent journey to the truth, its adoption in the individual’s consciousness, and from there - the student's independent work. Of course this path is not easy and cannot be walked without the help of a teacher who "has to meet specific requirements, always specifically- individual, always stimulating to certain efforts, extremely discreet and never abstract" [1, 22]. This will guide us to look for the invariant in the organization of pedagogical interaction, as well as to identify specific options for its individualization and differentiation according to the needs of the particular child. From the point of view of first language training, the development of thinking, perception, attention, memory, and speech is the most important. According to J. Piaget, "in the period of 7–8 to 11–12 years concrete operations are formed, i.e. the operative groups of thinking referring to objects with which you can manipulate or which can be perceived in intuition "[2, 127]. This involves extensive use of visual aids to help the child work. D. Simon suggests: "Parents and teachers can help abstract thinking by explaining abstract ideas through concrete examples" [3, 389]. Language concepts are characterized by a high degree of abstraction, because in other sciences the concept or phenomenon studied can be easily demonstrated, but in terms of language science concepts need to be understood. This is done by the pupils’ self-discovery within the flow of speech, comparing them with other, already studied