Исследовательский потенациал молодых ученых: взгляд в будущее - 2017

ХIII Региональная научно-практическая конференция аспирантов, соискателей, молодых ученых и магистрантов 236 should not be eaten unrestricted especially by children with obesity and overweight. Too high simple sugars in the diet are usually accompanied by lower intake of complex carbohydrates, which are more beneficial for the body. The only source of which are potatoes and bread. Groats, rice, cereals or legumes are rarely found in children's and young people's menus. There are not always adequate amounts of fiber, which is derived from cereal prod‐ ucts and legumes. Some people eat only light bread and avoid dark, they do not replace potatoes with coarse grains, also brown rice and wholemeal pasta are extremely rare on Polish tables. As mentioned above, children prefer to drink fruit juice than to eat the whole fruit, whereas in the squeez‐ ing process, fiber is lost. Despite the high energy value, the daily rations of Poles are character‐ ized by low content of minerals and vitamins. The most common deficient ingredient is calcium, whose intake in each age group is significantly less than the recommended amount. Exceptionally low in the diet of girls and boys after 10 years of age, where the demand for this ingredient increases significantly. Too little calcium in the diet is associated primarily with low intake of milk and its products. Milk drinks dominate, meanwhile yogurts with microflora beneficial for the body are rarely eaten. Children and ado‐ lescents prefer fatty rennet cheeses. Recently some people completely avoid the consumption of milk and products containing lactose. It should be emphasized that the intake of such minerals as magne‐ sium, iron, zinc and copper in most cases is consistent with the latest rec‐ ommendations. Some people's diets, especially girls, may contain too little potassium. Insufficient intake of potassium is mainly related to the small proportion of vegetables in the daily menu. Diets of all age groups are too low in vitamin D, which can be found in fish. Parents are not always aware that vitamin D can also be found in dietary supplements and fortified prod‐ ucts. Some children and adolescents may be exposed to folic acid and vita‐ min С deficiency. They are primarily found in raw vegetables and fruits. Fo‐ lic acid and vitamin С are very sensitive to light and temperature, so some ways of preparing food cause big losses of them. Low intake of folic acid is also associated with extremely rare consumption of sprouts, bran and nuts, which contain high amounts of this vitamin (B‐9). Further nutritional errors are associated with too much phosphorus and sodium in their diets. In the case of phosphorus, the ratio between it and calcium is important, especially during the period of bone formation and intense growth. Meanwhile, the phosphorus content is twice as high as the calcium content. Sodium intake in each age group exceeds not only the norm but also the upper tolerated level of consumption. This is due to the addition of salt to most foods and its use in food processing, phosphorus is