Исследовательский потенациал молодых ученых: взгляд в будущее - 2017

«Исследовательский потенциал молодых ученых: взгляд в будущее» 235 2017 deficiency in the diet is also linked to nutrient deficiencies. This problem most often arises with girls in adolescence, which deliberately limits the amount of food they eat because they over‐look their slim figure. Children living in poor socio‐economic conditions may also take too little energy with food. Irregularities in young people's diets are also associated with too much fat intake, which excess in the diet is visible in pre‐school children and increases with age. Almost all age groups of boys and girls are observed in the abnormal fat intake structure. In the total amount of fat consumed saturated fatty acids are the majority, while polyunsaturated acids are rare. Children and adolescents are eager to eat foods and products that contain large amounts of fat, Fast Food and French fries are their favorite food. In the menu of young people very often there are crisps and crisps and sweets, which provide a lot of unhealthy fat. Among the animal fats dominates butter, which is used for bread spreading, baking and frying. Many dishes are made with the cream. Other animal fats like bacon and lard also appear in children's and adolescents' diets, but they should be completely eliminated. Fatty meats and cured meats too often occur in the diet of young Poles who are eager to eat grilled dishes such as bacon, pork chops, pork ribs or ribs. The share of animal fat in the diet also increases by full fat milk products, ie creamy yoghurts, fatty cheeses and desserts based on cream. Dairy products should be regularly eaten by young people but not those fully fat. Nutrition of this population is characterized by too low omega‐3 fatty acids participation. This is due to the abnormal structure of fat intake and the absence of fish in the diet, which are an important source of these acids. If the fish are already on the menu, they are mostly fried fish, which lose their valuable properties during this process, as the oxidation of omega‐3 s occurs. Fish baked without added fat or cooked are eaten occasionally. The most popular fish dishes are salted herring dishes, which are also an addi‐ tional source of salt. The consumption of simple sugars, mostly sucrose, also affects the wrong balanced diet. The share of energy from sucrose is too large for all age groups. This is mainly related to the consumption of sweets, which in the menus of many girls and boys occur daily. Hungry children have the habit of going for a cake or a chocolate bar instead of a sandwich. In addi‐ tion, very often they add sugar to drinks and dishes. Sweetened drinks and fruit juices and nectars are also an important source of sugar. Children and adolescents are the major consumers of sweetened carbonated drinks such as lemonade, oranges and cola. On the other hand, parents often give nec‐ tars and fruit juices to their children instead of fruits. Fruits, although they belong to the recommended products, also contain simple sugars and