Исследовательский потенациал молодых ученых: взгляд в будущее - 2017

ХIII Региональная научно-практическая конференция аспирантов, соискателей, молодых ученых и магистрантов 234 Magdalena Podniesinska INCORRECT NUTRITION OF CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS University of Natural Sciences and Humanities in Siedlce Proper nutrition has a particular importance to our health. It deter‐ mines the proper development of man of all ages, his mental and physical abilities. Proper nutrition means providing in daily meals energy and all the necessary nutrients according to the needs of the body. For healthy people, including children and adolescents, the general principles of nutrition are based on three assumptions: 1. The caloric value of the daily food should correspond to the meta‐ bolic value of the individual's body. Consequently, the amount of food should be different for different age groups and sexes. 2. Maintaining a caloric balance, there should be a certain proportion‐ ality of the nutrients (carbohydrates, fats and proteins). The most favorable, optimal ratio is as follows: 65% carbohydrates, 20 % fats, 15% protein, and about 50 % should be derived from animal constituents (full protein). 3. Daily ration should contain a sufficient amount of minerals and vi‐ tamins, which although not play a significant role in terms of caloric, are es‐ sential for the body Children and adolescents are the most vulnerable to eating disorders. Excess or deficiency of energy and nutrients in food results in the distur‐ bance of homeostasis of metabolic processes in the body. Improper nutri‐ tion during the development and growth of the body affects not only health and wellbeing in adolescence, but can also leads to numerous serious con‐ sequences in the later stages of life. In addition, eating habits are most likely to develop at an early age, and later it is very difficult to change them. In recent years, the situation in the nutrition of children and adoles‐ cents in Poland is in many ways unsatisfactory. Young people's diets are of‐ ten incorrectly balanced, too high in certain nutrients, and other deficien‐ cies. Too many children and adolescents can be exposed to excessive con‐ sumption of food, so that the energy of the diet clearly exceeds the energy expenditure. First and foremost, boys over 10 years of age have too much energy in their diets, which results in obesity and overweight. These are disorders whose incidence among children and adolescents has increased significantly in recent years. Energy consumption, however, is characterized by large variations. With some people, it is less than the demand, leading to weight loss. Energy