Молодежь и наука - третье тысячелетие: Материалы студенческой научно-практической конференции с международным участием

60 positive and negative feedback. Give each manager at least 2 minutes to prepare for the role-play. The employee can just relax while the manager prepares. If you think six criticisms is too much, you can tell them that they do not have to cover all the points on the cards. 3. Being Tactful – Scenario #1 – Kelly You are a manager. It is time for the yearly performance review of your em- ployees. Today you will meet with Kelly, one of your employees. This is what you think of Kelly: 1. (s)he doesn’t work well with others (people don’t like to work with her really, she’s mean). 2. She works slowly compared to everyone else. 3. She does not check her e-mail enough, so she often misses important announce- ments. 4. She says inappropriate things about other members of the team. 5. She often brags about her salary to her coworkers, whom all make less money 6. (s)he wears too much perfume (it stinks!) You cannot fire her because she is the daughter of the CEO, but you have to talk to her about these issues today. Please discuss them with her tactfully. 4. Imagine the newly married couple. First, in groups of three, students brainstorm problems that a newly married couple might have that could cause them to stop speak- ing to each other. Secondly, the three students are each assigned a role: husband, wife, or marriage counselor. The marriage counselor’s role is to save the marriage. But, be- cause the newlyweds aren’t on speaking terms, everything the husband or wife says must go through the counselor, who must relay it to the other person using reported speech. In the beginning, all conversation must go through the counselor! The counselor must try to save the marriage. Part A : Why might a newly married couple stop talking to each other? What problems might they have? Come up with a list of ideas. Part B : Groups of three: Pick two students to be the married couple. The other student will be the marriage counselor. Situation : The newly married couple have stopped talking to each other because of the reasons listed above in Part A. Their parents have asked them to see a marriage counselor to save their marriage. The counselor should talk to the couple about their problems. Because the couple is not speaking directly to each other, all information must go through the counselor. С каждым днем все сложнее и сложнее становится заинтересовать старше- классников в изучении иностранного языка, если этот предмет не является их профильным. Для этого учителя используются самые разные подходы и мето- дики в обучении. Игра вызывает интерес и мотивирует для продолжения изуче- ния иностранных языков. С ее помощью ученики с легкостью овладевают знани- ями, умениями и навыками.