Вестник ТГПУ им Л.Н. Толстого №4 2007
БИОЛОГИЯ № 4, 2007 N. P. Buluhto, A. A. Korotkova THE QUANTITATIVE ARGUMENTS OE THE SAWFLIES’ FAUNA IN THE TULA REGION In ecosystems of Tula and Tula region 122 aspects of sawflies (Hymenoptera, Symphi tae), which related to 6 families, have been found. Specific abundant of sympnitofauna in different ecosystems and likeness of this argument on the basis of statistic analysis methods is allowed. Statistical regularities of trophic structure of a sawflies’ complex in ecosystems of different origin are taped. Mathematical dominance of oligofages is justified. Литература 1. Булухто, H. П. Пилильщики юга Центрального Нечерноземья / Н. П. Булухто- Тула: Гриф иК°, 2002. 2. Короткова, А. А. Энтомофауна г. Тулы / А. А. Короткова.- Тула: Гриф и К°, 2003.
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