Вестник ТГПУ им Л.Н. Толстого №3 2005

ПЕДАГОГИКА № 3, 2005 L. N. Polunina TWO-LEVEL STRUCTURE OF HIGHER EDUCATIOB IN EUROPE IN THE LIGHT OF THE BOLOGNA PROCESS The author analyses the main features of the Anglo-Saxon model of higher education, which was taken as the basis for the common European structure of higher education. The structural changes of the educational system discussed are topical for most EU coun­ tries, which approved the Bologna process. The article gives a review of the practice of reforming the European higher education, which reflects the peculiarities of educational systems and the national priorities of these countries in the sphere of education. Литература 1. The EuropeanHigher EducationArea: Joint Declaration of the EuropeanMinisters of Education, convened in Bologna on the 19thof June 1999 // Сайт Берлинского саммита по Болонскому процес­ су- http://www.bologna-berlin2003. 2. OECD. Education at a Glance. Indicators 2003 - Paris: OECD, 2003. 3. Reichert, S. Trends 2003. Progress towards the EuropeanHigher EducationArea. Bologna four years after: steps toward sustainable reform of higher education in Europe. A report prepared for the EuropeanUniversityAssociation / S. Reichert, Ch. Tauch.-Bruxelles, 2003. 4. Haug, G. Trends inLearning Structures inHigher Education П / G. Haug, Ch. Tauch.- Helsinki, 2001 . 5. Сайт Конференции министров образования европейских стран в Бергене, Норвегия.- http://www.bo!onga-bergen2005.no . 6. NeueStudienstrukturen fur dieLehramtsausbildung inNiedersachsen. - Hannover, 2005. 7. Байденко, В. И. Тезисы выступления / В. И. Байденко //Материалыме'ждунар. семинара «Инте­ грация российской высшей школы в общеевропейскую систему высшего образования: проблемы иперспективы»; Сайтжури. С.-Петерб. гос. ун-та -http://www.joumal.spbu.ru/2003/04/ll.shtml .