Вестник ТГПУ им Л.Н. Толстого №3 2005
СОТРУДНИЧЕСТВО № 3, 2005 Order number Teacher description Frequency, % 1 Creative with inspiring and fancy offer 26,1 2 Cooperating with parents 22,3 3-^1 Obliging, free, independent 21,3 3-4 Reflecting children’s needs 21,3 5 Available and open to the public 19,4 6 Open to children 15,5 7 Working with children individually 13,5 8 Providing easy and peaceful environment 12,6 9 Liberal and relaxed with enough games 11,9 10-11 Free to choose its program 10,6 10-11 Allowing teachers to study 10,6 12-13 Searching for its own outlook 9.7 12-13 Having cooperative environment (good relationships) 9,7 14-15 Respecting differences (other people’s opinions) 8,7 14-15 Trying to oblige parents 8,7 16-17 Enabling children’s personalities to develop 7,7 16-17 Building relationships between children and social consciousness 7,7 18-20 Better equipped, aesthetic 6,8 18-20 Too much paperwork 6,8 18-20 Too many children (overcrowded) 6,8 Although the teachers were allowed to use 5-10 key words, nearly a quarter of them hardly used 5. It is possible to infer that they do not find it easy to characterize current kindergartens as institutions. They find it easier to recollect the children and their traits rather than the changing school practice. Concern or negative attitudes were expressed to a very low extent. For example: problematic financing - 5,8 %; difficult to manage - 4,8 %; competition to get children - 4,5 %; nervousness, uneasiness at work - 3,9 %; lackof social recognition - 3,9 %; lackingmen - 2,9 %. 4. Conclusion Kindergartens have become the first contact with education for children and their families. The current approach to education develops the potential of every child and offers situations in which children are cultivated both in cognitive and social terms. This process helps to make children interested in future education and inclines the family towards a natural and positive reception of school. Kindergartens are the first educational establishments to get closer to the most acceptable model of future schools both in terms of their foundation and course, which is based on the priority of developing social relationships and optimum management of development and educational processes with comparable opportunities for all children. Preschool education modeled on the basis of humanistic principles needs to be molded in a competent way, both in the conceptual aspects of a framework program or various school programs and theoretical points of departure beneficial to preschool practice and everyday teaching. Whether we are exhilarated or pessimistic about the current kindergarten, it is highly advisable to see it through the eye of the teachers making it work. The surveys make their standpoints apparent. Although we only list a few results for illustration, we have found evidence to the effect that kindergartens are sufficiently independent in terms of education,
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