Вестник ТГПУ им Л.Н. Толстого №3 2005

№ 3, 2005 ВЕСТНИК ТГПУ им. Л. Н. Толстого 2. Goals Of The Current Kindergarten As I have already mentioned, the current humanistic and pedocentric course is convincingly embodied in the FEP PE. However, a problem becomes apparent when it comes to specifying such an important educational category as goals. General goals are the weakest point of this document in terms of formulation. It fails to distinguish between intentions and goals. The intentions only contain an outlook for children without respecting their current positions, needs or care of the same. The intentions also fail clearly to declare the ties and needs to find ways of working cooperation between the school and the family, which is key to the future development of children. The intentions only deal with the starting positions of children, which reminds me of a harmoniously developed child ready for school as defined in an educational brochure for kindergartens of 1983. Goals (as opposed to the amended elaboration of competencies of FEP PE 2001) were not subjected to a new content and formulation analysis. There are different goals on one and the same page. The goal of “Acquiring Personal Attitudes” would do justice to FEP for secondary schools. This is both an expression of criticism and sorrow in a way, as kindergartens need not find it easy to specify goals for particular school programs and educational goals for the education proper if they are not defined in a framework document. Specifying goals for a school program and educational work has to account for many aspects (school and group of children in particular) and, simultaneously, reflect the goals of the FEP. Which is why some kindergartens may not venture to specify their own goals and prefer copying them from the framework program. 2.1 Goals Of Children Themselves The active period of preschool children has a great advantage, as most of these children spontaneously try to get to know and learn as many things as possible. They look for activities to experiment with and practice their knowledge, checking new situations both in life and better reflecting their needs and abilities, such as games. What an accessible and yet mysterious world, such close and yet complicated adults. These are very strong motivators and stimuli for children’s endeavor actively to get to know and learn things and act. Some time later in life when children/pupils have learned enough about their environment, they are no longer motivated and their activity is subdued. Individual endowment is a great advantage of every child. Coupled with the activeness of this period, it provides teachers with favorable conditions for their work. This, however, is not enough. The development of an individual is not a matter of course, but it is only achieved by meeting certain conditions and as a result of the efforts of his or her educators. During the development activities children naturally expand the borders of what is to be experienced, restructuring what they have learnt and endeavoring to classify new findings. When considering such a simple thing as children’s game, we may see children quite purposefully making situations allowing them to understand the relations, find mistakes and correct them and creatively cope with so few resources in such a large world. Children are able to meet what they spontaneously feel are their educational goals during their activities, such as free game. Let us see the correspondence to Bloom hierarchy of goals selected for the educational process (In Byckovsky, P., Kotasek, J. and Hudecova, D., 2004). Children naturally work with concrete information or facts from the world around them that they have remembered and spontaneously incorporate them into their game. The game itself initiates the category of goals from the area of intellectual abilities and skills, which take the form of cracking problems and ambiguities by way of mental processes while meeting certain cognitive objectives. Related to this category are verbal accompaniment, explanation and transfer from a closed area of processes to a more general and broader level of elementary capacity to make abstractions. During free game or the development cornerstone of cognition and learning, repeated goal- directed efforts to apply acquired information and experience are apparent, which can be