Вестник ТГПУ им Л.Н. Толстого №3 2005

СОТРУДНИЧЕСТВО № 3, 2005 practice, the budding cultivation and creation of conditions of equal opportunities in education for all children. In broader terms, the kindergarten will play an important role for many reasons, including the immigration of people of different nationalities (which has tended to rise slightly). 1.2. What AreWe DealingWith AndWhat Is Ahead? The present time has the following symptoms. We are currently at the stage of accepting and taking pedocentric orientation, which includes development of the child on the basis of its needs. One of the key needs of children is to experience due acceptance, respect and natural cooperation of the kindergarten and the family. There is an emotional tie of full dependency between the child and the other members of the family, which is felt strongly about by all interested parties. Satisfying the need of mutual trust is coupled with the child’s and its family’s readiness positively to accept other children and the society around them. Furthermore, room is made for those interested in participating in education. At present, we are searching for and checking opportunities of positive influence on children living together, whether of the same or mixed age groups. We are teaching children naturally to accept differences in the world around them, enjoy them and be enriched by them. We are teaching them to inspire one another, cooperate and give assistance to one another. We are creating and checking the viability of school and class programsand consider it necessary to retain our independence as to choice despite the existence of the FEP PE. In connection with the FEP, the values of goals during preparation of the programs and daiiy educational activities have been emphasized. As to theory, we are on our way of analyzing approaches based on human-resource, socio- cognitive and cognitively psychological educational theories (see Y. Bertrand, 1998). In compliance with the theories we are searching for the right approaches to communication with all entities in preschool institutions creating the framework for the best environment to allow children to develop their potentials as much as possible. We have chosen a democratic method of work rooted in humanistic education and psychology. We have a broader selection of undergraduate education in the secondary and postsecondary sectors and in-service teacher training (as regards the latter, there is no system tied with the career development of teachers). There is a controversial aspect to the current method of organizing the institution of kindergarten, namely, combining multiple kindergartens to become one legal entity. This trend only benefits the economic interests of the municipalities being their promoters. The other interested parties are adversely affected. Petitions by parents against kindergartens being combined are no exception, protesting against harming functional kindergartens and referring to other bodies to get their support (such as in Ostrov nad Ohrf). It is the teachers who are most sensitive to the problem, seeing it as averaging the needs and plans of their schools, harmful subjectivism on the part of remote management, little chance to cooperate in this type of conglomerate and confusion as regards perception of quality and imperfect work. All the above results in stagnancy and lack ofmotivation of teachers andwork teams. Combining schools can be seen as the disruption and limitation of the independence of functional schools grantedby law. The prospects, embodied in the question: In what respect are we more or less at the beginning? Let us choose five educational fields. Intercultural approach to education We have little experience of integrating children of different nationalities. According to surveys among the parents of these children, teachers approach the children sensitively and understand and treat them individually. However, in classes where there are more such children, the teachers cannot reduce the number of children, as schools do not have enough resources. Working with children of different nationalities depends on the personality traits and creativity of a teacher. There are no programs or systems of tools to make the work simpler and help to