Вестник ТГПУ им Л.Н. Толстого №3 2005

СОТРУДНИЧЕСТВО № 3, 2005 References BLOOM, В. ETAL. (1956) Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: handbooks for the cognitive, affective andpsychomotor domains, London, Longmans, Green CARLILE, 0 & JORDAN, A (2005) Learning Outcomes , WIT Staff Development Series, Waterford DEPARTMENTOFEducation ANDSCIENCE, IRL. (1998). Green Paper on Adult Education: Adult Education in an Era ofLifelong Learning. Dublin: Stationery Office. Department of Education and Science, Irl. (2000). Learning for Life: White Paper onAdult Education. Dublin: Stationery Office. DEPT of Education ANDSkills, UK National Recognition Information Centre for the United Kingdom, Oxford. FOUCAULT, M. (1980) Power/Knowledge: selected interviews and other writings, NY, Pantheon. JESSSUP, G. (1991) Outcomes: NVQs and the Emerging Model of Education and Training, London, The Falmer Press. JORDAN, A. (2003) Modularisation Issues, WIT StaffDevelopment Series. Waterford KING, R. (2004) The University in the Global Age, Universities into the 2T‘Century Series, London, PalgraveMacmillan. KULIK(2005) www.iciep.ru accessed 24 November 2005 MERNAGH, Е. (n.d.) ECVET and Frameworks of Qualifications: the Irish Experience, presentation National Qualifications Authority of Ireland (2002) Frameworks of Qualifications .- a Review of Developments outside of the State, working paper, Dublin, June 2002, OECD (2004) Education at a Glance: OECD Indicators, (Annual) Paris, OECD QAA, UK (1999) A Consultative Paper on Higher Education Frameworks for England, Wales andNorthern Ireland (EWNI) andfor Scotland - October 1999. Robertson, D. (2003) ‘Foundation Degrees’. Presentation to CADISE Conference, BBCWorld News edition, Nov. 2003. R ozina , N,. L ukichev , G.,G evorkyan , E., M inayev , A., T alanov , A. and C histokhvalov , V. (2005) Bologna Process National Reports 2004 - 2005 SMITH, R. & BETTS, M. (2003) ‘Partnership and the consortia approach to United Kingdom foundation degrees: a case study of benefits and pitfalls’ in Journal of Vocational Education and Training, Vol, 55, No 2. 2003 SUNDARASARADULA, D. & HASAN, H. (2004) ‘A unified open systems model for exploring organisational change’, University of Wollongong Information Systems Papers, Wollongong, Australia. WATSON, D. (2005) ‘Telling the truth about widening participation in higher education: an international perspective’. Paper presented to the FACE Conference ‘Towards a Global Understanding ofLifelong Learning, UCC, July 2005. YOUNG, M. (2003) ‘National Qualifications Frameworks as a Global Phenomenon: a comparative perspective’ in Journal ofEducation and Work, Vol. 16, No. 3, September 2003. http://www.intemationalcomparisons.org.uk/html/Russian-Federation/countryfile.htm accessed 18November 2005 http:// www.qaa.ac.uk/academicinfrastructure/FHEO/background/consultation/default.asp accessed 18August 2005 http://www.eft.eu.int/Website.nsf/Pages/Eastem+Europe+and -t-Central +Asia accessed 18 August, 2005 http://www.uod.edu.aU/infosyst/commerce/w.papers.html accessed 18August 2005 http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Education in Russia&printable=ves accessed 24 November 2005.