this very explosive адж of the clergy (now standiag with bowed, head, apparently in deep penance) he barked out, instead a conmand, to proceed with the execution « (2a, p.288). иодвхь V l& A S i yet in all those years he never once J,nsp^ctf ’ his own forebears . (I 3 , p. 65 ); Sir Lawrence scrutinized his lean figure' \ (12, р.вО ). В o£i>eKtuau опрвдвлитеае s e & v o m inspect првпоаитнв- Huu раопросуранигелвы иивнй сущео^вигвльного ыожвт suotynaib другое в форме "пригшеательиого падежа" - те'в(н^ + Hg)i ‘They spent the ^ght in the Four Lakes shack, hen started their hunt again, ingpeotigg Hoy's traps and snares as they went' . ( 2 , p, 1 1 9 )« ^ Возможно *аИ 1 в упогрвбаевие оущво?аи*вльного о посшовпгиэиин опредедзвйвм, коюрому продиеогвует предлог (чаде воего о£)> VN^pIaligi 'It was в ritual witn hiBi nearly every time he finished a flask, lnapec; 5 ed the orogresa of his mash, to make sure that chere would 1 ^ more when that was gone'» ( 1 3 , p.114). Обьекг глагола scrutinize ипогда бывав! выражен месюимвиным елоБоооче 1 ааивм('\/ 1 Р)« Gerald regarded them with outward contempt, but goru;; tlnlzed them ^11 as they oame into view»*»' ( 10 , p. 67 ), Для глаголов survey, insp^-ot, crutinize в отличив ОТ глагола examine ue характерно употроблвиие двух объек­ тов, Но 3 отличие от глаголов examihe,inepeot,aorutiniae ГВ,-